8u-14u Opening Ceremonies/Team Skills
Location: TBA
Time: 6:00 PM Parade Starts (Gates open at 4:30pm)
Trade Pins
Costume Contest
Team Skills Competition
Thursday July 10th: at park you play
Team Around the Horn:
Each team gets two (2) attempts.
Pitcher will start from the pitching position.
Clock will start when he releases the ball.
The Pitcher will throw to the catcher.
The Catcher must step on Home Plate and then throw to the 2nd Baseman.
2nd Baseman must step on 2nd Base and then throw to the 1st Baseman.
1st Baseman must step on 1st Base and then throw to the 3rd Baseman.
3rd Baseman must step on 3rd Base and then throw to the Shortstop.
Shortstop must step on 2nd Base and then throw to the Left fielder.
Left fielder must throw from designated area to the Right fielder.
Right fielder must throw from designated area to the Center fielder.
Center fielder must throw from designated area to the Catcher.
Once the Catcher receives the ball and steps on Home Plate the clock will stop.
Nine (9) players per team will be allowed to participate.
Team Base Running:
Teams will receive two (2) attempts.
Teams will consist of 8 players. 4 at second base and 4 at home plate.
Players may not lead off!
Players will run a relay style race. The first runner from Home Plate will take off and the clock will start. When that player touches second base, the first player at 2nd base will take off from behind the base and wait for the previous runner to cross in front of him touching second base before he will leave his spot. When the player from second going home touches home plate and passes in front of the player, the next player will take off from home plate. When the last player touches home plate, the clock will stop. We require that the next player running start behind the base or in the right handed batters box so that there is no question if the player left early. If the player leaves early, there will be no doubt since the other player has to touch the base and run through the base/plate.
All players will run on the same size field.
Eight (8) players per team will be allowed to participate.
Home Run Derby (3 Players)
“Each player gets four (4) outs.
Anything not hit over the fence/home run line in fair territory is an out.
A batter can take two (2) pitches.
Once he has used his two (2) takes, every pitch not swung at is an out. ”10u 140 Feet
- 8u 125 feet
If all tie breakers have been exhausted, USSSA Points will be used to break ties for team skills competitions.