Question: Do players need to attend opening day check-in?
Answer: No, only team managers need to be at check-in. Players do not need to attend but this year Check in will be at Main Event in Frisco
Question: What do players need to wear to skills competitions?
Answer: Players can wear their team uniform or comfortable athletic clothing for the skills competition
Question: What do players need to wear to the opening ceremonies
Answer:Teams typically wear their team uniforms to opening ceremonies but are welcome to wear whatever is convenient and most comfortable to them
Question: What are the gate fees for spectators?
Answer: Gate fees are as follows:
Weekly Passes: 8u-14u $45 for adults (17+) & $26 for kids (8-16) Daily $15 Adult $7 Child (8-16) Early Bird passes
14uA-18u $30 for Adults
Daily Admission (should you not purchase the week pass): $12 for adults (18+)
Question: What skills competitions will be offered?
Answer: The following skills competitions will be offered
Infield Around the Horn:
Team Base Running:
Team Home Run Derby